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Data Science Education

Valhalla's goal is to dramatically improve data science education for students in the U.S., so that all children - and particularly low-income children and children of color - are able to effectively participate and succeed in a modern economy and society.

One of the most significant developments over the last fifty years has been the rise of data and the creation of a modern economy and society that rely on it. Every second of every day, the world creates enough data to fill 50 new Libraries of Congress. 

For this reason, we believe that all students, not just those aiming for technical careers, will need basic data science skills to be successful. This means that they need to be able to explore and answer questions with data, to employ quantitative reasoning skills, and to use digital tools to work with data. Unfortunately, less than 1% of high school students in the U.S. currently have access to a data science course.


90% of business leaders cite data science skills as key to company success


Only 25% of workers feel confident in their data skills

Valhalla Foundation funds solutions, research, and field-building efforts that aim to close the current gaps in data science education and help all students develop the data science competencies necessary for success in our modern economy and society.


We fund solutions that provide high-quality data science curricula and professional development programs for teachers to implement data science courses in their classrooms. We look for solutions that have an early track record of scale and that improve student outcomes. Our current grantees are CourseKata and Introduction to Data Science (IDS).


We fund research efforts to identify what is known about data science education today, to deepen our understanding of what works in data science instruction and assessment, and to develop an agenda to guide future research. Concord Consortium, ExcelinEd and Outlier Research & Evaluation are current grantees.

Field-building efforts

We fund field-building efforts that grow stakeholder awareness of the importance of data science education, advance state policies that encourage schools to adopt data science curricula, and allow innovators, academics, and funders to share promising solutions and learn from one another. Current grantees include Data Science for Everyone Coalition at RISC.

Grantee Spotlights

Data Science for Everyone

Data Science for Everyone raises awareness of the importance of data science education and works to ensure that every K-12 student can read, analyze, and communicate effectively with data by the time they graduate high school.

Our Data Science Education Portfolio

Building a dynamic, student-centered American education system of the future to provide a high-quality education for all kids, regardless of their address
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Concord Consortium
Innovating and inspiring equitable, large scale improvements in STEM teaching and learning through technology
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Improving learning outcomes for all students, initially focused on introductory statistics and data science
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Data Science for Everyone at RISC
Advancing data science education so that every K-12 student is equipped with the data literacy skills needed to succeed in our modern world
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Advancing a broad range of student-centered policy solutions to increase student learning, advance equity and ready graduates for college and career
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Introduction to Data Science (IDS)
Providing high-quality data science education curricula, professional development, and technological support
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Outlier Research & Evaluation
Conducting applied research and evaluation through a lens of bringing equity to education
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Skew The Script
Making math compelling, relevant, and worthwhile, in order to boost math engagement and achievement and prepare students of all backgrounds to think critically as citizens
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