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Explore our impact areas and learn about our grantees.

Driving measurable and meaningful improvement in outcomes that matter.

Our six areas of impact

Early Childhood Development

Our goal is to dramatically improve kindergarten readiness in the U.S., so that all children—and particularly low-income children and children of color—get off to a strong start in learning and life.

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K-12 Education

Our goal is to dramatically improve rates of academic achievement and attainment nationwide, so that all children—and particularly low-income children and children of color—gain the skills necessary for success in life and career.

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Data Science

Our goal is to dramatically improve data science education for students in the U.S., so that all children—and particularly low-income children and children of color—are able to effectively participate and succeed in a modern economy and society.

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Medical Research & Talent

Our goal is to prevent, remediate, and cure multiple sclerosis and related autoimmune diseases, and to create a robust pipeline of new talent in medical research.

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Environmental Innovation

Our goal is to reduce climate change drivers and the number of deaths and illnesses from pollutants, particularly air pollutants.

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Collaborative Philanthropy

Our goal is to accelerate the impact of our giving by learning alongside and combining resources with other funders.

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