Early Childhood Development|June 16, 2023
Former United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will succeed The Hunt Institute's founder and namesake Gov. James B. Hunt Jr. as Chair of the Board, alongside former New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez who succeeds Thomas Lambeth as vice chair.
Early Childhood Development|June 14, 2023
Children's' developing brains are altered by the corrosive effects of poverty. Studies show that the effects of poverty can be mitigated when families have more resources, and in states with more generous safety-net programs, children from low-income families have brains that are closer in size to their wealthier peers.
Early Childhood Development|March 23, 2023
First Five Years Fund's Executive Director Sarah Rittling appeared before the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies on March 23, 2023, to testify about the importance of robust federal funding for early learning and child care programs in FY2024.
Early Childhood Development|February 23, 2023
With rare bipartisan support, governors across the country are prioritizing child care and early education, with two-thirds of America’s governors highlighting its importance in their 2023 state of the state addresses.
Early Childhood Development|January 23, 2023
First Five Years Fund released a suite of resources aimed at helping federal lawmakers understand how high-quality early learning and child care programs are critical to invest in America’s children, working families, and economy.
Early Childhood Development|December 5, 2022
In their new report, 2022 50-State Progress and Landscape Report, The Alliance for Early Success highlights policy wins and trends in early childhood across the U.S.
Early Childhood Development|December 1, 2022
With limited federal support for early childhood expected, states across the US are stepping up to bolster family economic stability and early childhood care and education.
Early Childhood Development|November 10, 2022
Historically ranked among the worst states for child well-being, New Mexico is now leading the way with recent constitutional amendment that will create a permanent fund for child care. The new funds are expected to make child care more affordable for families and increase wages for child care workers.
Early Childhood Development|October 13, 2022
Prenatal-to-3 (PN-3) has released its third annual State Policy Roadmap, providing a guide for each state on how they can implement evidence-based policies and strategies to improve outcomes for young children.
Early Childhood Development|September 30, 2022
California expands paid family leave benefits for lower-income families with a measure that will improve the lives of children and families across the state.